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Muster on the Green

March 24, 2024 - Muster on the Carlisle Green.  The 6th Middlesex Regiment held a muster (training day) on Carlisle Green, led by Capt Scott Evans, where the surrounding towns of Westford, Chelmsford and Littleton were all represented.  Similar to colonial times, where the early colonial militia drilled 6 times a year, as required by law, they would typically have a muster once per year that included neighboring town companies or companies of the local regiment. Musters might include a couple of hours of formal drilling and marching, but tended to be more social in nature, catching up on the local happenings in the local tavern. The Regiment held a 2 hour training session, practicing the 1764 Manual of Arms, which included marching and wheeling in formation, as well as simulated and live firing in ranks. The weather was cool, but not unpleasant with the sun and snow free town green. The regiment declared itself ready for the upcoming reenactment and parade season.  (Not pictured is Capt John Greenwood, Commander of the 6th Middlesex)-

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